to the Test of Life

to the Test of Life

Entering a New ERA in Education

Our children enter adulthood at 18, often unprepared for the real-life challenges and opportunities beyond high school. American education has been so focused on generic benchmarks and "teaching to the test" that students are not equipped for life’s true tests.

The Education Revolution Has Begun.

Let’s Make a Meaningful Change in Education

Our mission at Education Revolution Association (ERA) is to prepare students for life through a high school course centered around three core pillars:

ERA Pillars: Self & Career Discovery (icon of a human silhouette in a magnifying glass)

Self & Career Discovery

Helping students discover who they are — and who they want to be in this world personally and professionally.
ERA Pillars: Understanding of Others (icon of two hands shaking)

Understanding of Others

Understanding that people see the world and communicate in different ways — and learning how to practice compassion in an increasingly divisive world.

ERA Pillars: Maximizing Individual Potential (icon of a person climbing up columns toward a flag at the top)

Maximizing Individual Potential

Enabling students to understand where they excel, know their limitations, and push themselves to nurture their capabilities.

Our Vision

ERA envisions a future in which, by the age of 18, every student:

  • Understands their strengths/weaknesses — and how to leverage and navigate them in adulthood.
  • Identifies their best-fit career options — and knows how to pursue them.
  • Achieves their maximum educational potential — advancing at a pace tailored to their unique aptitudes and abilities.
  • Has a practical understanding of life — prepared with knowledge and insight for any path they choose.
  • Embraces kindness — recognizing and valuing others' differences.
  • Undergoes a journey of self-discovery — achieving an objective view of themselves while cultivating confidence and self-love.

Join the Revolution
stylized photo of older students preparing for a road trip - two young women sit on the back bumped of a packed SUV, and two young men work together to tie up bags to the top (Education Revolution Association - Vision)
stylized photo of a group of students talking on a school campus

Our Vision

ERA envisions a future in which, by the age of 18, every student:

  • Understands their strengths/weaknesses — and how to leverage and navigate them in adulthood.
  • Identifies their best-fit career options — and knows how to pursue them.
  • Achieves their maximum educational potential — advancing at a pace tailored to their unique aptitudes and abilities.
  • Has a practical understanding of life — prepared with knowledge and insight for any path they choose.
  • Embraces kindness — recognizing and valuing others' differences.
  • Undergoes a journey of self-discovery — achieving an objective view of themselves while cultivating confidence and self-love.

Join the Revolution

Making Our Vision a Reality

The ERA team is working with experts to develop curriculum that empowers students to pursue life with confidence and curiosity by understanding their strengths, exploring best-fit career pathways, and applying critical and creative thinking skills.

The course, Life Discovery, is based around ERA's three core pillars. The class contains two differentiating tools, our Essential Elements: personality and aptitude assessments and student-led interviews with people from all walks of life.

ERA is funding several pilot programs in high schools to gather educator and student feedback on the Life Discovery curriculum — and see student results in real-time.

Discover Life Discovery
stylized photo of a high school student in a wood shop class shaking hands with his teacher in a flannel shirt (Education Revolution Association - Challenge)

The Challenge

While many initiatives have advocated for change across American education, their impact has been limited by the fragmented nature of the approach, socioeconomic disparity between districts, and more.

ERA seeks to create a single curriculum that can be adapted for any region, school type, and age level — all with the goal of preparing students with the life skills they need to thrive after graduation.

We Need to Teach Our Students to the Test of Life.

Modernize Education
stylized photo of a high school student in a wood shop class shaking hands with his teacher in a flannel shirt (Education Revolution Association - Challenge)

The Challenge

While many initiatives have advocated for change across American education, their impact has been limited by the fragmented nature of the approach, socioeconomic disparity between districts, and more.

ERA seeks to create a single curriculum that can be adapted for any region, school type, and age level — all with the goal of preparing students with the life skills they need to thrive after graduation.

We Need to Teach Our Students to the Test of Life.

Modernize Education

Why Cowboy Hats?

Education Revolution Association founder Fred Ode has never been one to follow the rules. Passionate about blazing a new frontier in education, ERA is determined to do whatever it takes to improve the system. (Read more about Fred's story in his letter.)

ERA has adopted the cowboy hat as a symbol of creativity and perseverance — and our commitment to a better future for all students.

Tip Your Hat to Change
painted bust portrait of Education Revolution Association founder Fred Ode in a cowboy hat with orange paint streaks behind him

ERA Founder Fred Ode

We’ve Joined the Education Revolution

Join the Revolution

We stand at the threshold of a monumental shift. With the foundation, resources and commitment already in place, all that's missing is your support.

Join the Education Revolution. Reshape American education for generations to come.

Join the Revolution